"No Need For Fear" lyrics


"No Need For Fear"

You don’t know the difference
Between a family and a terrorist
You don’t know the difference
Between a student and a terrorist
Anyone who doesn’t agree
Try to feed us more fear
There is no need for fear
When fear is a wasted energy
You don’t know the difference
Between a family and a terrorist
You don’t know the difference
Between a student and a terrorist
You don’t know the difference
Between an intellectual and a terrorist
You don’t know the difference
Between an activist and a terrorist
Anyone who doesn’t agree
Try to feed us more fear
There is no need for fear
When fear is a wasted energy
Just like worry and hate
When the Iraqis call us the terrorist
I read the definition
I can’t help but agree
Inflict the terror, inflict the terror
Inflict the terror, inflict the terror
You don’t know the difference
Between a family and a terrorist
You don’t know the difference
Between a student and a terrorist
Anyone who doesn’t agree
Try to feed us more fear
There is no need for fear
There is no need for fear

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