"Occupied And Mesmerized (The Tale Of A Destabilized Life)" lyrics


"Occupied And Mesmerized (The Tale Of A Destabilized Life)"

Occupied and mesmerized,
My life has been destabilized,
Since I lived in your womb
And the night I was conceived
And you both were on shrooms.

Honestly I can't believe
It was even told to me,
After all the broken broom handles and busted knees,
Was it just a way of mentally keeping me down?
It was all a way of physically keeping me bound.

Was it something that you picked up
In your basic training;
How to act superior and never let me weigh in?
Well now it's my turn to tell all the hard truths,
And I'm pointing my finger at every rotten root,
There were nights when I laid in bed,
Wishing you, and I, or maybe both were dead,
I hate to say it, but it's because I'm a coward,
And a spitting image of my mother and father.

But it's hard to see with the spit all over my face,
And dirt kicked up when you're bred to lose the race,
But I keep pointing fingers though so I can't see,
That pointing and blaming is the sole reason,
That growing up and becoming a teenager,
We become addicted to implanted anger,
Because we weren't born with racism and sexism,
It's just easier to point than ever understand,
The daily war over our heads,
The blood that's spilt to win our minds

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