"Our Burdens (Lost In The Continental Constellation)" lyrics


"Our Burdens (Lost In The Continental Constellation)"

From what I've seen capitalism is disturbing natural life,
Because when we can't raise our children we can pay else someone to do it right,
but when there is no more time for us to teach compassion,
This exploitation will grow with every burdened generation.

I thought about this while
Watching a man talk to his sequel,
He conversed with his child,
Treating him like an equal,
Even though the intellect wasn't on the same field,
He knew an open ear was all his boy would ever need.

Then I wondered how his father would act without him,
Where is his mind when he leaves for work and the sun is still dim?
Where is his mind?
And what if we stripped away his SUV and Bluetooth,
Or threw to the fire his briefcase and business suit?
Watch as it burns.

Would he still show his pride and joy
how to act towards fellow man
Or would he leave it up to a scared boy
with no love in this ever-changing land?
Is it cruel to bring one more life
into this world when there is no more love?
Let's just keep praying that it will work out,
to an empty sky and the phony gods above.

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