"Riot City Dublin" lyrics


"Riot City Dublin"

From the Temple Bar to the Parnell Square
People gather round and they look - It's happening here
Yeah, it's happening here
Well the looks in their eyes, looks on their face
Don't they know it's a fucking disgrace?
Fucking disgrace

Holding on to something and they're holding on too tight
Holding on to something and that just ain't right

In the city
It's riot city Dublin tonight

These is the streets of the Dublin town
This is not London - This is not Belfast
It's not Belfast
This is the land of the green and the few
This is no orange UK dreaming
UK dreaming

Holding on to something and they're holding on too tight
Holding on to something - just ain't fucking right

In the city
It's riot city Dublin tonight
Gonna riot
In the city
It's riot city Dublin tonight

Holding on to something and they're holding on too tight
Holding on to something and that just ain't fucking right

[Last Chorus]

Thanks to millen for these lyrics

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