"Set In Stone" lyrics


"Set In Stone"

Here's to the new year and just like every year that's come and gone,
This year's the year I say I'll get my shit together and get on
With doing everything I promised
To myself but let's be honest,
Nothing's changed.

Here's to the friends that still pretend like there is nothing wrong
With getting fucked up every weekend and still acting like they're young,
Cos 25's the new 18 and what they think is not what it seems but that's ok.

So I'll surround myself with losers just to give off the illusion
that I'm not useless I'm just lying to myself
and I'll keep on believing.

I'll watch as you turn your life to gold
And look down on me as I
Start to carve mine out of stone
You're fit to wear a crown
I'm still reaching for the throne
I'll use every last excuse
Til they're worn down to the bone
It's my life set in stone

Here's to the endless somewhat reckless years of growing up,
To every day that just got wasted chasing dreams that just got fucked
I'll say I've filled myself with purpose
If you don't scratch beneath the surface
cos nothings changed

Heres to the best of bad intentions here's to giving up,
On every bullshit expectation, on every lesson I've been taught.
I'll take for granted all the things
I should've learned from but never did and that's ok

I guess I'm just a liar
So don't believe a word I've said
Just like a spider
I'll have you trapped inside my web
I'm growing tired
I need a place to rest my head
Just like a fire
I know I'll burn out in the end

Thanks to XO for these lyrics

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