"What Goes Around Comes Around" lyrics


"What Goes Around Comes Around"

It’s cold in here
There are no people who could save us from our loneliness

Draughty Rooms are our minds
Where every draught could make you change your right direction
Where every draught could make you change your own direction

There are thorns everywhere in my hands, everywhere in my hands
And too many roses I’ve killed
Because of my mistakes

Open your eyes every morning
With the bitter taste on your tongue
There’s something wrong

Nights are gonna get darker we’re abused we’re mistreated
But we go ahead despite it all

Have fear of people that never makes mistakes
Mistakes are our best friends everyday
Aims are the only things that save us from ourselves
We’re not perfect but we can be true
We’re not perfect but we can be true

Remember remember
What goes around comes around

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