"Gear Isn't Expensive" lyrics


"Gear Isn't Expensive"

I've held onto this tune for weeks
Until I could say that I wrote twenty-four more songs
Than the four of us have written all year long
I should keep my opinions to myself but
I've bitten my tongue to shreds
Trying to think of new things to say
When people ask what the deal is

The truth is I don't know
Rehearsing in my room alone
But I tend to say
That my van should have three times the mileage
That buying gear isn't expensive
Or that law school seems like a better plan
That we're growing in new directions
Or that you've got some work ethic to spare
So you should spare some work for your band instead

The truth is I don't know
Rehearsing in my room alone
But I'll get the word on the streets
Just think how Seth's going to be oh so disappointed
We've waited all this time
And I'd do anything for you guys
But you should have seen the warning signs

Hurting my hand to write these lines
Because I think that this is it

Thanks to Psycho697186 for correcting these lyrics

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