"Sorry" lyrics



Sorry, hope you're feeling happy now
Hope you're feeling happy now
I am gone

I said I'm sorry
I hope you're feeling happy now
I hope you're feeling happy now
I am gone

Oh is it over, is it over I can not tell
You and him and all the things that you do so well
Is it over, is it over I can not tell
You and him and all the things that you do so well

Told you some things
I can not let him go
I know I told you so
No I won't let this go
I told you I'm...

Sorry, I hope you're feeling happy now
I hope you're feeling happy now
I am gone

Oh is it over, is it over I can not tell
You and him and all the things that you do so well
Is it over, is it over I can not tell
You and him and all the things that you do so well

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