"White Power Bullshit" lyrics


"White Power Bullshit"

You must have been quite ganged up in school
Those human wrecks are so easy to rule
Great pleasure to piss on you

White power bullshit,
why don't you swallow it and choke to death

What's wrong with your self control
You got no brain, just an empty hole
If it happens again it would be your fault

White power bullshit,
why don't you swallow it and choke to death

I want to see your race root out, exterminated in pain
I want to make sure that it never happens again
There is no place for nazis here
So gas yourself and exterminate your race
There is no place for nazis here

Make someone glad and kill yourself
Cause when you're dead you'll meet Adolf in hell
You might become his best pal

All fucking nazis, why don't you gas yourself
and exterminate your fucking race

We're ain't through with your type yet
We're never gonna forgive and forget
What you've done you will regret

All fucking nazis, why don't you gas yourself
and exterminate your fucking race

Thanks to Salming for these lyrics

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