"I Know What You "Didn't" Do Last Summer" lyrics


"I Know What You "Didn't" Do Last Summer"

Take your bones and dust off
what’s left of these de-composed hypocrisies
And the rotten promises you couldn’t keep
Just like the way that your neck wears the rope
That represents the life you try to choke
Why can’t you see there’s more to this

Under the weight of everything you feel inside
Do you still have any hope or has it been buried alive?

You need to start to believe in yourself
Because your living your life like your already dead
One foot in the grave
A headstone with your name
That reads you spent half your life in the cemetery

Take your heart and dust off what’s left of these
Over-exposed atrocities and the same apologies you didn’t need
Just like the way the knife sits on your throat
that represents the times when you can’t cope

You need to start to believe in yourself
Because your living your life like your already dead
One foot in the grave
A headstone with your name
That reads you spent half your life in the cemetery

Why can’t you see there’s more to this
I know it’s hard to breathe, under six foot of excuses
But if you start to dig maybe then you’d see
There’s more to this, so much more to this.

Thanks to PhatJ for these lyrics

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