"Apple Of The Eye (Lay Me Down)" lyrics


"Apple Of The Eye (Lay Me Down)"

Softly and slowly gently in vain
The window is open its pouring rain
Thunder and lightning a heated night
Sneaky intentions but certain delight
A lesson to learn failure denied
Reason uncertain I'm leaving tonight
Promise refusal deflection degrade
Bottle desire liquid pain

Lay me down I'm listening,
I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that
Tell me now I'm begging
I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that

Perfect distraction pale flesh
Silver armor covering death
Boyish desire needless pain
Fire is fire light as day

Lay me down I'm listening,
I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that
Tell me now I'm begging
I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that

Give me the right of opinion
Just give me a go
Swallow your pride and stop thinking
Give me a go
Give me the right of opinion
Just give me a go
Swallow your pride and stop thinking
Give me a go

Lay me down I'm listening,
I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that
Tell me now I'm begging
I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that

I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that

I've already seen a true romance
And it don't look like that

Thanks to Carly for these lyrics

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