"Titus Andronicus Forever" lyrics


"Titus Andronicus Forever"

The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
But nobody seems to be worried or care
That the enemy is everywhere

The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
But no one seems to be worried or care
That the enemy is everywhere

The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
But no one seems to be worried or care
That the enemy is everywhere

The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
The enemy is everywhere, the enemy is everywhere
But no one seems to be worried or care
That the enemy is everywhere

"I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on Earth."

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