"Addicted To Bad Ideas" lyrics


"Addicted To Bad Ideas"

I wasn't always a monster,
I was a prince.
Now so broken, so.
Addicted to bad ideas
and to drugs and to all the beauty
in this world I know.

Though I have grown older and graver,
the great heart of the world remains ever young.
I wasn't always a monster, I was a prince.
Now, so broken, so.

I wasn't always a monster,
I was a saint.
Now forgotten, so.
Addicted to bad ideas and
the blood that runs from my arms
and my eyes and my throat.

Though I have grown older and graver,
the great heart of the world remains ever young.
Wasn't always a monster, I was a prince.
Now, so broken, so.

Because I can, cause no one to stop me.
Cause it makes up for things I lost.
To feel your tug at my soul,
The sting of your gaze over my face
To fail and to live long

Because I can, there's no one to stop me.
Cause it makes up for things I lost.
To feel your tug at my soul,
The sting of your gaze over my face
To fail and to live long

Because I can
Cause no one can stop me
Cause it makes up for things I lost.
Because I'm addicted to bad ideas and all the beauty in this world

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